
Top 5 Benefits of Having Tea Rich in Natural Spices in Winters

“Blow, blow, thou winter wind…Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky” sings Lord Amiens in As You Like It. Winters mean chills and colds, shivers and sneezes, mittens and mufflers. Winters also mean festive season, vacations, travels. And unlike the time of the Bard, we do not need to stay indoors in winters – we can enjoy the nippy winters by staying healthy and warm from inside. And what better to keep us all warm then a cup of hot tea with zingy spices!

The combination of tea and spices is unbeatable. All teas – black, green, white and oolong – have numerous health beneficial properties. Spices have been known and used in India for thousands of years for their medicinal and curing properties. Adding natural spices like cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, star anise and peppercorns to tea not only makes a deliciously hot and hearty drink for the winter, but also multiplies the benefits – a classic case of multiplying by adding!

Here are top 5 benefits of having tea with natural spices that you can enjoy during the winter :

  • Boosts Overall Health and Immunity 

Tea is a rich source of anti-oxidants. Antioxidants remove free radicals and prevents cell damage, improving overall health. Spices also have anti-oxidants, and further boost immunity due to their anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Most spices have an inherent warm character, and during winters, warm the body from inside. This combination tea with spices provides the body that extra boost to fight off the cold winter and remain healthy and immune. 

  • Helps Reduce Anxiety and Uplift Mood 

Tea is the only known plant-based source of a unique amino acid that is known to increase alpha and theta brain waves which are associated with mindful alertness, focus and attention. Spices help in fighting anxiety and reducing depression. Both tea and spices are also effective stress-busters, working from inside to calm your mind and soothe your nerves. The combination of tea with natural spices, with a sprinkle of sweet cinnamon never fails to uplift the mood on a cold, grey winter day. 

  • Relives Cough and Cold

Blocked noses, breathing problems, persistent cough and cold are almost synonymous with winter. Tea with spices is the perfect panacea for winter cold and cough. While tea and milk perk you up, the spices help in relieving cough and cold. Tea with spices aids breathing and respiration by clearing nasal and throat congestion. Due to the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, tea with spices also helps in curing as well as preventing a sore throat. One of the best home-remedies for a cold and blocked nose is to have hot spicy tea with extra ginger with a pinch of black pepper.

  • Aids Digestion and Metabolism

Both tea and spices have an abundance of anti-oxidants. When had without milk, a hot cup of strong tea with spices is a well-known home-cure for improving digestion. Spices like cardamom are also known to cure stomach ulcers, while dry ginger is highly effective against nausea and particularly in curing morning sickness.  Improved digestion is also closely linked to better metabolism leading to a more energetic and active lifestyle. 

  • Lowering Blood Pressure 

The different types of antioxidants in tea and spices are known to help reduce blood pressure. The essential oils and the active compounds in spices also help in overall blood circulation as well as in keeping blood pressure under control. Spices like black pepper is also known to reduce heart cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart diseases. 

In addition to these 5 benefits, having a hot cup of tea with natural spices also improves oral hygiene, helps in weight-loss and fighting diabetes. 

So, let the winter winds blow – you can be warm and healthy…and sing Heigh-Ho!


Tea is a religion in the art of life.